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Creamer Media strives to develop traditional news values, over new platforms, using new technology as it becomes available.


With the mobile revolution, Creamer Media has made all of its news sites available on mobile phones and tablet devices. Apps for phones and wearable devices have also been developed for Engineering News, Mining Weekly and Polity, as has a WhatsApp news group which sends out a daily news round up to readers who have joined the WhatsApp group.


Mobile versions of the Engineering News Online, and websites are available at, and


Engineering News Apps

Engineering News is South Africa's premier source of weekly real-economy news on projects, products, policies, personalities and techno-economic progress, covering a wide range of industries including energy, construction, telecommunications, metals, water, transport and automotive.

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Mining Weekly Apps

Mining Weekly is a leading provide of news on mining developments around the world. Provides up to the minute reporting on global news developments in mining including in the gold, platinum, diamonds and base metals sectors. Access to global breaking news and news by geographic regions from North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Australasia and Europe.

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Polity offers free access to South African legislation, policy documents and daily political news. Video, podcast and PDF attachment material has been added to the site, including in-depth video interviews with some of South Africa's leading opinion makers, legal briefs, legislation documents and political speeches. The Polity app provides the easiest way to access up-to-the-minute South African political news on the go.

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